Sunday, November 30, 2008

10 milestones in web history


1、感谢Linus Torvalds,感谢Linux
当Linux Torvalds在1991年推出Linux时,其他UNIX系统开发人员对他冷嘲热讽,一些人认为Linux所使用的计算机构架(32位)是错误的,其 基础结构就是完全错误的。在这些批评面前Torvalds丝毫没有退缩,时至今日,Linux不仅在PC主流操作系统中占据一席之地,也成为一款真正优秀 的Web服务器系统。Torvalds发布这个软件基于GNU开放许可证,这也使得Linux能够迅速地传播和成长。


如果当初没有Mosaic浏览器,互联网将不会在这么短的时间内吸引如此多的用户。作为第一个真正的浏览器,在1993年发布的Mosaic开始支 持书签、图标和流畅的用户界面,还有在当时最令人惊叹的创新:图片支持。从那时开始,互联网才能提供图片下载服务。也正是得益于这一功能的推出,互联网改 头换面,迅速为主流人群接受。



开源由来已久,只是没有正式的定名,其根源可以追溯到二十世纪60年代,因特网就是在开源的帮助下创建的。1998年在Tim O'Reilly的“Freeware Summit”会议上,“开源”一名被正式确立,并正式启动了开源计划,一些相关的许可协议发布,开发商从此可以自主发布和修改源代码。

5、Rasmus Lerdorf推出PHP
1995年Rasmus Lerdorf首次推出PHP之后,它就迅速风靡起来,别众多开发人员评为优秀的Web编程语言。它运行在服务器上,可以嵌入HTML,与SQL数据库之间实现完美衔接,允许开发人员快速创建、维护复杂的动态交互性站点。


虽然争议颇多,但PayPal确实开创了在线金钱交易的先河。它创立于1998年,之后受到越来越多的eBay用户的欢迎,到2000年2 月,PayPal在eBay上每天能完成高达200000次的交易,在eBay收购Palpay之后,这一支付处理系统开始允许商家使用自己的API,并 成为一种快速安全的交易方式。



8、Ruby On Rails的崛起
很多人也许没有注意到Web发展史上这个里程碑式的事件,但这并不影响Ruby On Rails的重要性,正式它体现了网站开发的一个翻天覆地的转变:架构的使用。
David Heinemeier Hansson在2004年发布了Ruby on Rails,从此,许多以其他语言为核心的Web开发架构也陆续被推出。RoR是一个model-view-controller架构,也就是说,它利用机架(scaffolding)和其他辅助方法来消除编程中的重复任务,这样就大大缩短了开发者的项目开发周期。
架构加快了开发工作进程,改变了Web开发的方式。 自那时起,各大网站便用Web架构来提供完整的Web服务。RoR在苹果操作系统Leopard中的使用也证明了它的日益强大和重要。

9、37 Signals推出Getting Real Ebook
在过去五年中,37 Signals一直是最受欢迎的we开发公司,不仅仅因为他们所开发的优秀产品,还因为他们作为现代Web开发的精神领袖所做的一切,包括对敏捷开发的支 持和拥护。他们的旗舰产品Basecamp是在第一个RoR版本基础上开发的,并直接推动了架构概念在2004年的产生。而37 Signals在2006年推出的Getting Real Ebook也使得敏捷开发概念最终流行了起来。
Web开发者也是从那时起开始了敏捷Web开发实践,并接受学习了Getting Real Ebook的理念。像Google和微软这样的大企业也逐渐接受了这一理念,减少繁文缛节,利用较小的团队在最短的周期内发布新产品。


随着2006年Amazon S3和EC2的推出,云存储和在线云服务开始真正被人们所理解和接受。使用Amazon提供的服务,企业仅需要支付他们实际使用的流量就可以了,免去了增加服务器所需的昂贵费用。云服务提供了一种更快速更便宜的选择来替代传统的Web服务器。

Friday, November 28, 2008

Google logo -- Thanksgiving Day


Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Thanksgiving dinner is held on this day, usually as a gathering of family members.

Google谷歌-Logo-Doodle-感恩节 1998

Google谷歌-Logo-Doodle-感恩节 1999

Google谷歌-Logo-Doodle-感恩节 2000

Google谷歌-Logo-Doodle-感恩节 2001

Google谷歌-Logo-Doodle-感恩节 2002


Google谷歌-Logo-Doodle-感恩节 2004


Google谷歌-Logo-Doodle-感恩节 2006


Show where have you been on Google Maps


Powered by 29travels

29travels has created a great tool to create your very own personal travel map. Simple by ticking a few countries from a list you can get a short piece of code to show your friends where you have been in the world.

Creating a personal travel map is very easy. First select a continent and then tick the countries you have visited. Next, choose the size of the map you want and the colour you want the countries to be shaded.

Et voila ... you have your very own personal travel map.

Once you embed the iframe in your own web page or blog you can show the world everywhere you have been. The embedded map shows the countries you have visited by shading them your chosen colour. Your embedded map also contains a drop down menu of the countries you have visited. Selecting a country you have visited from the menu will centre the map on that country.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Photo Funia

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

YouTube will affect next generation in the future

youtube logo  在最近 Web 2.0 峰会上,旧金山市长 Gavin Newson 指出,世界不再是过去的那个世界,原因之一是 YouTube。无论好坏,他指出,现在我们总是会出现在视频中。每个重要或不重要的对话都被录制为视频,而 Youtube 为这些视频提供了一个平台。  
      小组的另一位与会者 Joe Trippi,曾负责 Howard Dean 总统竞选,他进一步指出,由于 Youtube 的存在,我们现在已进入一个透明的时代。Joe 认为由于我们总会出现在视频中,最明智的事情就是告知真相。其他与会小组成员也认为,Youtube 以及网络视频正在彻底改变社会。该小组的观点的确值得深思,但峰会的另一场对话令我想到:排名第二的搜索引擎也许正在成为第一。


  Nokia 服务创新部经理 Ian Kennedy。他曾担任 Yahoo! 的 MyBlogLog 的产品经理,你在网络上会看到很多关于他的信息。Ian提到他儿子通过 Youtube 在网上冲浪。无论任何时候,他儿子上网查找信息,总是打开 Youtube,输入要搜索的短语,然后观看找到的视频。他从不去 google 任何信息,也不访问其他网站。他的网络体验仅仅限于 Youtube。这相当令人困惑。任何信息都可以在 Youtube 找到相关的视频吗?




当然,这需要一个转变的过程。因为,以前文本而非视频主宰着网络世界。现在,视频摄像头和宽带越来越廉价,信息可以转换为视频。结果,现在的 Youtube 是第二大搜索引擎,流量爆增。 Ian 儿子这一代孩子伴随视频时代而生,这仅仅是开始。


  试想,整整一代的孩子们将通过 Youtube 搜索、学习并长大成人。在 20 世纪的上半叶,人们伴随着书籍和报纸成长,之后,是电视和电影的一代,接着是互联网一代,而现在网络视频带来了一个新的世代。

  孩子们不再通过阅读文本进行学习。如同电视一代,他们通过视觉感官来了解这个世界。但其中的巨大差别在于,电视是经过编排的,而且无法自主选择。Youtube 则可以按需提供经过细分的信息。孩子们可以随时搜索需要的信息。

  当然,Youtube 目前提供的信息仍显粗糙生硬,并且倾向于娱乐。但请设想,五年后,孩子们需要的信息:娱乐、游戏、教育和旅行,将综合在一起,并可以通过一种可搜索的渠道来获取。对于互联网和社会,这都将是一个巨大的变化。正如我们想要搜索就打开 Google,未来的孩子将通过视频获取巨量的信息。
Monday, November 24, 2008

Google sorts 1TB index in 68 seconds


Google今天自豪地宣布 ,他们只需要短短68秒钟就能完成对1TB数据的排序处理。这些数据都是未压缩的文本文件,使用Google File System文件系统存储在1000台计算机上。在此之前,Google处理分布于910台计算机上的等量数据需要耗时209秒,效率只有现在的三分之一左右。

当然,信息爆炸时代的数据量远远不只是TB级别,更常见的是一千倍的PB级别。在今年1月份的时候,Google MapReduce平均每天的数据处理量是20PB,相当于美国国会图书馆今年5月份存档网络数据的240倍。

那么Google MapReduce对4000台计算机上的1PB数据进行排序处理需要多长时间呢?答案是6小时零2分钟。放眼全球,除了Google还没有谁具备这种高速处理能力。

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Killing the Weeds

What is a weed?
A weed is a plant growing where it is not wanted and with a harmful impact. It can be harmful to human activities, such as farming or recreation, or it can be harmful to New Zealand's unique environment.

Summer is finally coming to New Zealand now, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, the weeds in my garden are growing higher and higher, I have joined a landscaping and gardening course, which my fiance enrolled for me, she would like to see the weeds grow on my keyboard rather than garden. I'd better do more physical work outside and keep away from computer during the weekends.
Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Bye Smaps

TradeMe will shut down its popular online mapping site Smaps at the end of the month. It will now use Google Maps on its sub-sites, including Travelbug and TradeMe Property.

That is really a pity.

ProjectX Limited , the online mapping company who developed Smaps and ZoomIn ,  shut down its ZMS and switched running on Google maps since 1th Sept this year. Now, TradeMe just simply dumps the site and gives up the 45 per cent of the market share of domestic traffic.They pretty much just accept that they were unlikely to beat Google at this game.

I am just feeling bad about it as I made some effort on Smaps during my time at ProjectX.

Personalise your Google search results

The new feature, called SearchWiki, is designed to allow Google users greater control of search engine results by letting them re-rank, delete or suggest better pages and also to make comments on results.

It has released today.

The new feature is the first time that the internet's most popular search engine has allowed its users to change the order of search results.It also marks a new era in which users' preferences can be used to help with search engine results, rather than relying solely on automated formulas for ranking websites.The feature is available to those signed in to their own Google search accounts.

A series of options will appear along with Google search results. These include options to re-rank or delete recommendations, add a better webpage or leave a comment. The results are recorded until you change or alter them and help when you search for the same thing.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Giant Kiwi on Google Earth

The kiwi was constructed to commemorate the now gone Sling camp’s First World War New Zealand Troop occupation (Feb-March 1919.) This was carried out by the New Zealand Canterbury Battalion Engineers from a design drawn by Percy Blenkarne. The kiwi was looked after by the Kiwi polish Co for a while as an advert, it was covered during WWII particularly important considering its proximity to the military camp. The kiwi was neglected and was nearly lost in the 70s and 80s but was restored in 1986. There is a memorial plaque on the site unveiled in 1986. The kiwi is now attended to annually. (Description from
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yahoo confirms CEO Jerry Yang is gone

Jerry Yang, who started Yahoo with Stanford University classmate David Filo in 1994, will revert to "Chief Yahoo". He just put up a blog post on his reasons for stepping down as CEO of Yahoo.

The title of Chief Yahoo takes on new meaning today. I have the great honor of stepping into the role of Yahoo!’s Chief Executive Officer. Yahoo! has an incredibly bright future and I make this move with deep conviction and enthusiasm. I’ve partnered closely with our executive teams for 12 years to steer our strategy and direction and today I’m ready for this challenge.
Today also marks the close of a great chapter in my life with Terry Semel as my partner. Since coming on board in 2001, Terry has given Yahoo! six of its best years. He delivered great value to our users, advertisers and shareholders. Terry refocused the company on key strategic priorities, and in so doing, helped Yahoo! increase our revenues nearly nine-fold from $717 million in 2001 to $6.4 billion in 2006; boost our operating income from a loss in 2001 to nearly $1 billion last year; and create more than $30 billion in shareholder value during his tenure. He helped grow our audience from 170 million to more than 500 million users globally, and he oversaw the expansion of our base of talented employees from 3,500 to nearly 12,000.
I will always be grateful for the incredible achievements under his leadership — and for his mentorship and friendship. We’ll continue to benefit from his support and guidance as he transitions to his role as our Chairman.
I also couldn’t ask for a better partner in Sue Decker as our new president. In addition to knowing this company inside and out, Sue has incredible talents, leadership abilities, a fierce focus on winning, and intense dedication to this company and its people. I look forward to teaming more closely with her as we pursue our joint vision.
What is that vision? A Yahoo! that executes with speed, clarity and discipline. A Yahoo! that increases its focus on differentiating its products and investing in creativity and innovation. A Yahoo! that better monetizes its audience. A Yahoo! whose great talent is galvanized to address its challenges. And a Yahoo! that is better focused on what’s important to its users, customers, and employees.
The past year has obviously not been an easy one for us. But we’ve taken important steps to address the challenges we face, and we’re starting to realize some of the benefits – especially with the successful launch of Panama, which continues to receive positive feedback from advertisers and is exceeding our expectations. By the way, that’s directly attributable to the operational excellence mentality Terry has instilled and is a clear sign one of his most critical initiatives is succeeding.
We have incredible assets. This company has massive potential, drive, determination and skills, and we won’t be satisfied until the external perception of Yahoo! accurately reflects that reality.
I have absolute conviction about Yahoo!’s potential for long-term success as an Internet leader. Yahoo! is a company that started with a vision and a dream and, make no mistake, that dream is very much alive. I’m committed to doing whatever it takes to transform Yahoo! into an even greater success in the future.
The time for me is right. The time is now. The Internet is still young, the opportunities ahead are tremendous, and I’m ready to rally our nearly 12,000 Yahoos around the world to help seize them.
Go Yahoo!
Jerry Yang
CEO and Chief Yahoo
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

BaiGooHoo Search Engine

现在我相信了,世界上最有创造力的不一定是中国人,但最聪明的绝对是中国人!一个更为强大的搜索引擎面世了。 百谷虎山寨搜索引擎 -- 集百度, Google, 雅虎于一身。名字起的也挺有创意“山寨”,挺含蓄,是强盗但不明说, 哈哈!域名自然也就是:

Logo的设计不出我的所, 但搜索结果让我很吃惊。我搜索了一下“iWang”,结果是通过一个 Iframe 框架来包含进其他网页,这里被包含的就是百度, Google 中国和雅虎中国。不过我在 Firefox 和 Safari 下都没有尝试成功。

Monday, November 17, 2008

Chinese Search loses Golden Triangel



Saturday, November 15, 2008

Google China's Learning Curve Forbes Interview Kai Fu Lee

在最新一期的福布斯杂志(亚洲版 Forbes Asia)的”公司,人物,理念”栏目里有一篇对 Google 大中华区总裁李开复的专访,福布斯网站上也发布了这篇采访:

Google 中国的学习曲线


今年中国互联网用户数量已经超过了美国.虽然其他海外互联网公司在中国大陆都落败了,比如 AOL, 但是 Google 面对本土搜索引擎百度,在过去三年中却使自己的搜索市场份额上升到了28%. Google 大中华区总裁李开复是2005年从 Microsoft 来到 Google 的,他对中国大陆的搜索市场发起了冲击.福布斯亚洲(FORBES ASIA)在北京见到了这位前 Carnegie Mellon 大学计算机教授.

FORBES ASIA: 对 Google 来说中国有多重要?


FORBES ASIA: 你在 Microsoft 正越来越好,但是你却离开来到了 Google. 为什么?

作为一名计算机科学家,我发现 Google 令人激动.同时,我意识到自己的命运让我应该在中国.我希望能借助自己的两种文化背景能起到杠杆作用.我在 Microsoft 和其它地方都没有发现那样的机会,但是我在 Google 找到了.另外,我觉得自己在执行力方面还不错,但是我在困难中开始做事的能力很好.

FORBES ASIA: 你如何评价 Microsoft 和 Google 在中国的努力?

Microsoft 进入中国的时候也面临这挑战:盗版问题,还有政府公关问题.但是他很有耐心,并且改进了员工的素质同时积极和中国政府合作.中国主席还去了 Bill Gates 家里.但是 Google 做的一样好.我们必须做的更快.我觉得美国公司都要花很长一段时间来知道应该怎样在中国经营.比如说通用汽车公司(General Motors),十年前他还在追赶奥迪和上海大众.有些事情很难理解的,但是他们最终还是找到了自己的路.如果你看看可口可乐就知道,找到自己的路要花一 段时间.

Microsoft (在中国)面临的问题是,他所从事的产业发展要比通用汽车公司快的多. Google 面临的问题是我们产业发展的速度比 Microsoft 的还要快.如果你不能尽快的学习,你的市场份额就会很快减少,就像很多美国互联网公司所经历的一样.最坏的情况是,在三四年的时间里,他们的市场份额从 90%降到了0%.

FORBES ASIA: 怎么会那样呢?

那是因为有些人认为进入中国以后不需要做任何改变,只是进来飞快的赚钱,没有加强中国的团队建设.如果你是 Microsoft 你有20年的时候,你能犯一些错误然后最终恢复.或者你是在汽车或者饮料行业,你可能有15年的时候然后恢复过来.但是如果你在互联网行业,你只有两到三 年时间.就是这么快. Google 并没有很多时间.问题是,当我在2005年加入 Google 的时候,我们的市场份额已经减少了一半,并且有降到零的趋势.第二,我们组建一个团队并开放出好的产品也需要一段时间.我需要耐心和支持.

FORBES ASIA: 有哪些服务是 Google 能在美国提供但在中国无法做到的?反过来呢?

我们在美国能做而在中国不能做的不是很多,但是我们会面临文化不同的问题.拿音乐举例吧.中国人喜欢下载免费音乐,因为他们已经习惯了.那合法吗? 毫无疑问,唱片公司没有从中得到报酬而且这是不对的.但是到底有没有违法,谁应该来负责呢?这应该由法院说了算.数字音乐的使用量是很大的,因为这已经成 为了很好的休闲方式而且也是中国使用最广泛的搜索应用之一.我们不能成为其中的一份子,因为我们不能支持这种明显对智力产业的不尊敬行为.但是我们通过广 告合作的方式提供了合法的免费音乐下载,这个模式在美国是行不通的.

另外,网页搜索也不一样.在中国的 Google 页面上你能看到更多可以点击的链接.中国的网页看上去更加杂乱,但是这也是有原因的:人们不喜欢打字,他们喜欢点击.打字比较慢,那很痛苦.所以我们在中 国的网页更为详细.另外,中国人喜欢浏览( explore),所以我们为制作了一个方便当地搜索习惯的界面.我们也发布了本地化的产品 - 比如,我们在四川地震的时候发布了寻亲页面,雪灾期间发布了服务让人们了解火车的延误.

FORBES ASIA: 公司股价的下跌有没有使 Google 更愿意通过并购和收购来拓展中国市场呢?


Doodle 4 Google comes China

谷歌总是乐于激发年轻人的创造力,甚至鼓励他们在自己的品牌标识上涂鸦。在美国、澳洲、英国、瑞士、德国等国家,孩子们已经通过Doodle 4 Google大赛向世界展示了他们的创意。2008年底,Doodle 4 Google来到中国,并将率先在北京启动.

 Doodle中文原意是涂鸦,是谷歌庆祝节庆和有意义的日子的独特方式。用户登陆谷歌主页,常常会发现主页标识的变化。谷歌以这种轻松俏皮的方式表达了 对世界不同民族、不同历史、不同文化的思考和尊重。2008北京奥运会期间,谷歌就以中国的十二生肖为内容创作了一组带着中国印的奥运Doodle,在谷 歌全球的网站上展示, Dennis Hwang即是这个奥运系列Doodle的总设计师。



Thursday, November 13, 2008

IE6 must die

I've just been working on a website development, everything works perfectly acrross different browsers but IE6. It occurred to me how much easier my life would be if IE6 would kindly die.

On this particular job I would estimate that about 20% of my time has been spent tweaking for IE6's favor. What a waste of time! But I have to, still 30% traffic for come from IE6. What a pain in the arse!
If you’re still using IE6, please, please, please upgrade your browser or use Firefox or Chrome.
Below are100 reasons why I hate Internet Explorer 6
var i=1;
for (i=1;i<=100;i++) {
document.write(i + "Bad CSS rendering ");
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Handbook Of Online China

TrendsSpotting blog published an informative slideshow, “Handbook of Online China“, just before the Beijing Olympics. The report, data collected from various sources, provides an overview of development of China’s Internet and user behaviors, the competitive landscape of some main Internet services, including search, IM and Web 2.0, and overview of online ads market and mobile market in China.

Web 2.0 and Social Media

Great presentation. organized, communicated.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Firefox is four years old

Four years ago, Mozilla announced the release of Firefox 1.0 on 9 Nov 2004 and delivered a better Web experience to millions of users.Well done Firefox! you've come a long way; Firefox2.0 released on 24Oct 2006, Firefox 3.0 released on 17 June 2008. I became a big fan of Firefox since end of 2006 just the same time when MS released IE7.

Browser market share December 2004
Browser market share December 2005
Browser market share December 2006
Browser market share December 2007
Browser market share October 2008

Grade Your Website

Last week, I introduced a tool to find out how valuable is your website , here I am introducing Website Grader to you, it is a free seo tool that measures the marketing effectiveness of a website. It provides a score that incorporates things like website traffic, SEO, social popularity and other technical factors. It also provides some basic advice on how the website can be improved from a marketing perspective.

iWang is 86/100 means that of the hundreds of thousands of websites that have previously been evaluated, their algorithm has calculated that this site scores higher than 86% of them in terms of its marketing effectiveness. The algorithm uses a proprietary blend of over 50 different variables, including search engine data, website structure, approximate traffic, site performance, and gets 93.5 less than 96 

I put as compete website when testing Stuff and NZHerald continue to be neck and neck, though Stuff is showing a lot more depth these days.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Which news website wins New Zealand Election?

In first place: TVNZ. There is no rolling text commentary:

But despite a tag saying video is only available to NZ viewers the video link actually works and I am now watching TVNZ’s coverage. It seems to have been filtered through a smeared lens but it’s coverage nonetheless.

TVNZ live
I do find it amusing that commercials are not sent offshore. Actually it is great because the signal just goes quiet rather, which is bliss.

In seocond place: Stuff - Updates every 5-15 minutes, has a bit of commentary as well.

It’s interesting to see the rebranding they have done to “Fairfax media”, showing the Stuff logo alongside the major mastheads.

In third place NZHerald. Great commentary but updates are a bit slow at 30 minutes so far. The have sped up a bit as the last one was at 10 minutes.


Twitter/NZElection is next with updates every 5-15 minutes, but less comprehensive than Stuff and just repeats results.

Last is TV3 who have a basic summary page which seems to be the election/govt data.


Yahoo Fight

Like Google Fight, now someone created Yahoo Fight, a site to compare the amount of search results for two different keywords. As US election 2008 just finished, I put Barack Obama and John McCain into fields and made a fight. The result was John McCain wins. ^_&  not bad Mr McCain at least you win in Yahoo. 

Summer of Code 08/09

I am pleased to know Summer of Code³ 2008/2009 is kicking start today.

Summer of Code³ is an internship programme based in Wellington New Zealand, which gives Computer Science and Engineering students the opportunity to work in cool Tech companies over the summer. Students will gain on the job experience, get paid and learn from the best minds in the business about their knowledge on cutting edge technologies.

This is the third year of Summer of Code. I was lucky to join the first internship programme 2006/2007 working for ProjectX Technology Ltd, and participated Summer of code 2.0 2007/2008 as a company(ProjectX) staff, also helped building the official recruitment website for both companies and students (

Big thank to John Clegg, who orgnises this non-profit programme that creates job opportunities for students in innovative companies over the summer holidays.

I wish Summer of Code³ continued success!
Saturday, November 8, 2008 NZ election webpages screenshots

Today is New Zealand election day, unlike US election, Google doesn't launch its logo for New Zealand election. I was surfing around, none of website has its logo for election day. Poor New Zealand!

The screenshots below are some webpages done by me, those webpages is live on New Zealand election day on