Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Experience The Great Firewall outside China
China Channel offers a Firefox extension for those outside of China mainland that aims to let you experience the web – and the Chinese web censorship – as if you were within China. Not sure how well this works at all times (for instance, I heard that sometimes different locations within China show different blocks). When I installed the China Channel add-on and then searched Google.com for falun gong, I received a “connection interrupted” instead of the Google result page – without any doing of Google, I suppose, but based on the URL’s parameter with functionality coming from the Chinese Ministry of Information.
Unlike many tools which enable Chinese people to freely surf the web via connections to computers outside of China, this plugin routes all internet traffic to computers on the inside of the GFW(Great FireWall of China), allowing web surfers to experience an Internet identical to that of Chinese.
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