Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Web 易用性大师 Jakob Nielsen 访谈录


他被纽约时报称为“Web 易用性大师”,被 Internet Magazine 称为 “易用之王”,1995年以来,他通过自己的Alertbox 邮件列表以及 网站,向成千上万的 Web 设计师传授 Web 易用性方面的知识,尽管他的一些观点可能带来争议,至少在 Web 设计师眼中,他是 Web 易用性领域的顶尖领袖,他的名字叫 Jakob Nielsen, 本文是 WDD 网站对他做的专访。


1983年就进入易用性这个领域了,我的第一个项目是大型机上的基于字符的界面。后来则主要研究图形用户界面,比如我和我的学生做了很多 Mac 软件的研究,那时的 Mac 软件还不够好用。我早期的经历对以后的研究很有帮助,因为早期的 Web 界面和 IBM3270 大型机程序差不多。
1994年,我开始研究 Web 易用性,刚好将这两种兴趣融合在了一起,早期的 Web 易用性很有趣,人们评批它,说这不能用在 Web 上,因为这是给软件程序用的。
相反,近年来,那些易用性的对立者们开始声称这些研究只能用于 Web,无法推诸程序以及 AJAX 这些,于是人们总是想着法子忽略他们的用户。当然,现实是,易用性对任何拥有用户界面的东西都适用,不管是网站,程序,手机,DV 还是其它的什么。具体的规则可能不同,但总的原则都源自人类10000 多年来形成的思维方式。


是的,但已经不象 28.8K 拨号上网时代那样苛刻了。
不过反应时延原则什么时代都是一样的,因为互联网连接的是人,那些哪怕是二战时期的研究仍然是成立的。一个主要的原则是,人们点击下一页的时候,时 延不应该超过1秒钟,否则就会觉得卡,在宽带时代,美国的接入用户1秒钟可以下载大约1MB的数据(那些亚洲国家还要快,但不包括中国 - 译者),因此,现在的问题并不是出在网速上,而是处在服务器端,人们在网页中塞入了太多饰件和动态对象。
记住,1秒钟,否则用户会觉得卡,这还是就整个页面而言,那些页面内部嵌套的 AJAX 控件要求更高,是01.秒,否则会觉得卡。


比如,你不能让朋友或同事去测试,你应当找那些对你的项目一无所知的外部用户,他们还不能敷衍了事,必须实际去用,同时,你不能对他们施加影响,不 能暗示他们该如何操作。这就是闭嘴原则如此重要的原因,最好的方式是找那些富有经验的大型测试团队去做,当然,小团队仍然可以做好,这样很经济,如果能遵 守基本原则的话,开发者自己也可以很好地进行易用性测试


本原理都是一样的,现在就来了第4条规则,就是在一个代表设备上测试。对桌面而言,有 Mac 和 PC,但这无所谓,关键是什么屏幕尺寸,最近几年,我们主要在 1024 x 768 尺寸上测试,但我们现在使用一个屏幕做所有测试。
我们招募了一些用户,他们带着自己的手机前来测试,我们需要测试很多用户,因为不同门类的手机之间差别太大了。理想状态下,我建议站点设计者为这三 类设备设计三个版本的站点,因为它们之间差异太大,但只有那些特别有钱的站点才可以,因此我希望他们至少单独为移动设备设计一个独立站点,那些为桌面电脑 用户设计的网站对移动用户来说太难用了。
Web 最初的使命原本是强调跨平台设计的,以便在任何地方都能访问,但从可用性角度,这不可行,即使技术上能够实现,要么对桌面用户来说太简陋,要么对移动用来说太复杂,这两种情形差别太大了,需要不同的设计。





对 Web 设计师而言,如果他们设计的是艺术类或作品展示类站点,是否可以打破 Web 易用性规则?

第一,这类站点的受众一般用于比较高级的 Web 技术(设计师,Internet 经理等等),第二,人们访问这类站点的时候一般除了充满敬意地欣赏也不做什么事。因此,它不必象那些民用站点那样易用,对于民用站点,比如网上银行,如果不好用,转错了账将是灾难性的。 被视为最成功的电子商务站点,是什么让他们这样成功,你是否从他们的站点中发现过易用性方面的错误?

Amazon 是一个站内站外拥有不同用户体验的很好的例子。他们的成功要归功于站外功夫,包括非常丰富的产品,非常详细的确认邮件,非常稳固的订单执行能力,他们的价格也很好,尽管不是最低的。
他们的站内体验也不错,包括丰富的产品信息,客户评论,Amazon 是第一家愿意接受用户负面评价的公司,这位 Amazon 增强了信用,如果用户不看好某个产品,可以买其它的。
然而 Amazon 的模式并不适合其它站点, 它的页面太拥挤,功能太多,新用户往往无所适从,Amazon 的用户都是那些熟悉电子商务的老用户,他们经常在上面买东西,因此,他们可以越过这些不便,但新用户还是会觉得有些难用。因为大多数别的电子商务站点并没 有 Amazon 这么大的规模,他们更需要简单的设计。
Amazon 的产品区也很难用,因为他们是一个综合性网店,它的前身是个网上书店,对书籍来说,信息要简单得多。Amazon 能很好地向用户展示单个产品,但在展示全部产品目录方面很不理想。而对那些专门的某类产品网店来说是个很好的机会。


易用性总是涉及两件事,谁是用户,以及他们想借助这个 UI 实现什么?

如今,多数站点都在页面上塞入了大量内容,如新闻摘要,Twitter 或 RSS 订阅,这些拥有大量内容的页面仍人是易用的吗?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

IE6 1px gap on absolute elements

IE6- 有一个非常讨厌的 bug,当绝对定位元素的父元素高或宽为奇数时,bottom 和 right 会获取错误。
<div class="outer height199">
<p>This container has a height of 199px and width of 199px</p>
<div class="inner">img</div>
<div class="inner2">img</div>
<div class="outer height200">
<p>This container has a height of 200px and width of 200px</p>
<div class="inner">img</div>
<div class="inner2">img</div>

display:inline;/* ie double margin fix*/


p{clear:both;margin:0 40px 1em 5px}

可以看出在奇数容器下出现了1px 间距,而在偶数容器下正常。
<div class="fix">
<div class="outer height199">
<div class="inner2">img</div>
<p>This container has a height of 199px</p>
<div class="inner">img</div>
<div class="fix">
<div class="outer height200">
<div class="inner2">img</div>
<p>This container has a height of 200px</p>
<div class="inner">img</div>
.fix {
display:inline;/* ie double margin fix*/
.fix .outer{margin:0}
.fix .inner{
.fix .inner2{float:right;position:static}
Monday, September 21, 2009

Flickr User Model

Very Great work. It helped me to know the whole strategy of flickr. I suggest that maybe someone would draw another map of youtube. Anyway, there are many things alike between these two websites.

Larger image can be viewed here!
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Use a CSS Reset Before Start

CSS resets: to use or not to use; that is the question. If I were to offer my own personal advice, I'd 100% recommend that you create your own reset file. Begin by downloading a popular one, like Eric Meyer's, and then slowly, as you learn more, begin to modify it into your own. If you don't do this, you won't truly understand why your list items are receiving that extra bit of padding when you didn't specify it anywhere in your CSS file. Save yourself the anger and reset everything! This one should get you started.

html, body, div, span,   
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,  
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,  
img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,  
small, strike, strong,   
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,  
fieldset, form, label, legend,  
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {  
margin: 0;  
padding: 0;  
border: 0;  
outline: 0;  
font-size: 100%;  
vertical-align: baselinebaseline;  
background: transparent;  
body {  
line-height: 1;  
ol, ul {  
list-style: none;  
blockquote, q {  
quotes: none;  
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,  
q:before, q:after {  
content: '';  
content: none;  

table {  
border-collapse: collapse;  
border-spacing: 0;  

9 CSS3 Properties You Can Use Now

If you’ve looked at any of the stuff to be included in CSS3, you were no doubt bouncing off the walls in excitement until you remembered how long it tends to take some browsers to support that kind of stuff.
But some good news: Quite a bit of this CSS3 awesomeness can be used right now to spice up your designs. Some (most) of it will not render in all browsers equally (generally those of the IE variety), but websites don’t need to look the same in every browser–nor should they. Just because IE6 users can’t see some fancy effect doesn’t mean everybody shouldn’t. Similar to how those watching TV on a standard television will not be able to see HD, users on older browsers need not get the same experience as those on newer browsers as long as they see nothing wrong with the site.
But enough ranting and onto the good part. CSS3 properties you can use now and how to use them:

1. Text-shadow

The text-shadow property is probably one of the most commonly used aspects of CSS3, likely because of it’s extremely easy setup (it’s almost too easy…).
For a text-shadow, the property is used as follows:
text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #000;
The first and second values represent the shadow offset, the third the blur radius, and the last value the color of the shadow.
For tips on effectively using shadows in your designs, check out one of my previous articles, The Shadow World: CSS3 Text-Shadow and Reality.
Browser support for text-shadow: Safari 3.1+, FireFox 3.5, Chrome 2.0+, Opera 9.6+

2. Box-shadow

The box-shadow property is used in a way very similar to text-shadow, but it adds shadows to the elements as a whole rather than to the text inside them:
box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px 10px #000;
The first two values are the offset of the shadow, the third the blur radius, and the fourth value the spread radius. The last value is, of course, the shadow color.
Browser support for box-shadow: Safari 3.1+, FireFox 3.5, Chrome 1.0+

3. Box-sizing

The box-sizing property is one of the most under-appreciated yet widely-supported properties in the CSS3 spec.
The box-sizing property is quite simple, and it accepts three possible values: content-box, border-box, or inherit. This declares how an element’s size is to be rendered:
box-sizing: content-box | border-box | inherit;
In properly-behaving browsers, all elements are displayed as content-box by default — padding and borders are rendered outside the specified width and height, so an element with a width of 20px with a 1px border and 5px of padding will actually be rendered as 32px wide (20 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5).
However, by declaring the box-sizing property to border-box, the padding and borders are rendered inside the element. So, our example from earlier would be 20px wide total, with 10px of that element taken up by borders and another 2px taken by padding. This can be extremely useful when using percentage-based widths in your layouts.
Browser support for box-sizing: IE8+, Safari 3.1+, FireFox 2.0+, Chrome 1.0+, Opera 9.6+

4. Columns

The columns property is also fairly easy to setup and makes for great magazine-style layouts. Both Mozilla and Webkit browsers require prefixes before the property, so setting an element to render its content in multiple columns works as follows:
-moz-column-count: 2; /* For FireFox */
-webkit-column-count: 2; /* For Safari/Chrome */
column-count: 2; /* For when the standard gets fully supported */

-moz-column-width: 250px; /* For FireFox */
-webkit-column-width: 250px; /* For Safari/Chrome */
column-width: 250px; /* For when the standard gets fully supported */
This tells the element that you want the content displayed in 2 columns, each 250px wide. Either of these values can also be set to auto, which allows it to be determined based on what best fits with the other value.
But what if you want custom gutter sizes and dividers? No problem, as we have column-gap and column-rule coming to the rescue:
column-gap: 25px;
column-rule: 1px solid #000;

-moz-column-gap: 25px;
-moz-column-rule: 1px solid #000;

-webkit-column-gap: 25px;
-webkit-column-rule: 1px solid #000;
This will place a 25px gap between our columns with a 1px solid black line running down the middle of the gap. There’s even more you can do with CSS3 columns, and I’d recommend that those interested checking out this article for more goodness.
Browser support for columns: Safari 3.1+, FireFox 3.5, Chrome 1.0+

5. Border-radius (rounded corners)

Because everybody likes rounded corners, the CSS3 spec contains the popular border-radius. Mozilla and Webkit browsers require their standard prefixes, so to add rounded corners with a 10px radius to an element, use the following:
-moz-border-radius: 10px; /* For FireFox */
-moz-border-radius: 10px; /* For Safari/Chrome */
border-radius: 10px; /* For when the standard gets fully supported */
For slightly more advanced usage (using on only select corners), check out this excellent article.
Browser support for border-radius: Safari 3.1+, FireFox 2.0 (non-antialiased), FireFox 3.0+, Chrome 1.0+ (non-antialiased)

6. Border-image

The border-image property is not used nearly as much as border-radius (probably because the syntax is somewhat hard to understand). However, it can be used for some awesome effects and John Resig provides a fairly good explanation of how it can be used through the following example:
-webkit-border-image: url(whiteButton.png) 0 12 0 12 stretch stretch;
-moz-border-image: url(whiteButton.png) 0 12 0 12 stretch stretch;
Basically, the property declares an image to be used before telling the browser how to clip and stretch different sections of it. Check out his full article for more examples and details.
Browser support for border-image: Safari 3.1+, FireFox 3.5, Chrome 1.0+

7. @font-face (web font embedding)

While not technically a property, the CSS3 @font-face declaration has been receiving quite the attention as of late. Håkon Wium Lie, the original proposer of CSS, wrote a must-read article for A List Apart all about @font-face. Essentially, this allows developers to embed fonts in their pages that can be called by the simple font-family property.
To embed a font, simply add an @font-face declaration as follows:
@font-face {
font-family: "My Awesome Font";
src: url(MyAwesomeFont.otf) format("opentype");
This tells the browser that whenever the font “My Awesome Font” is used, pull it from “MyAwesomeFont.otf.” Simple and brilliant, really. So then to use our font, we just declare like we would any other font:
h1 { font-family: "My Awesome Font", sans-serif; }
There are a couple things to note, however. Firstly, and most importantly, make sure the font you are using has a license that allows font embedding. There’s a fairly decent list of legal fonts over here, and Typekit will be another solution that looks promising.
The other thing to note: Fallbacks. Cufón and typeface.js are both good options for when @font-face isn’t supported. Kilian Valkhof has a great article on combining Cufón and @font-face.
Browser support for @font-face: Safari 3.2+, FireFox 3.5, Chrome 2.0+, IE4+ (sort of)

8. RGBA color

While actually a value and not a property, rgba() is also worth mentioning (and using!). While generally colors have been declared using hex values (e.g., #000000 for black) or RGB values (rgb(0,0,0) for black), CSS3 has now added a new option: RGBA.
This works identically to RGB color with the addition of a fourth parameter declaring opacity. So, if you want to create a black background with 50% opacity, simply do the following:
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
While this (of course) will not work in IE, there’s a great (though slightly complicated) article on creating bulletproof, cross-browser RGBA backgrounds using some filters and PNGs.
Browser support for rgba() (without filters): Safari 3.1+, FireFox 2.0+, Chrome 1.0+

9. Transitions

Ever wished you could do transition effects with CSS? Well, now you can using the CSS3 transition property. Webkit browsers (mainly Safari and Chrome) currently support it and do so with the -webkit- prefix:
#element {
opacity: .7;
-webkit-transition: opacity 1s linear;
#element:hover {
opacity: 1;
The transition property is actually shorthand for transition-property, transition-duration, and transition-timing-function. Our example code above thus tells the browser that when #element’s opacity changes, do a 1-second linear transition.
These transitions can be applied to any property (and even multiple ones at the same time!), such as padding and background, for instance:
#element {
background: #000;
padding: 5px;
-webkit-transition: background 1s linear;
-webkit-transition: padding 1s linear;
#element:hover {
background: #FFF;
padding: 20px;
For more advanced usage, check out the Webkit blog.

Go and use the future!

CSS3 brings some awesome stuff to the table, and now is the time to start using it. As the web development community gets more and more excited about CSS3, Mozilla and Webkit browsers are quickly adding more and more support for new properties, declarations, and selectors. So take advantage of it!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009



有人有如此梳理,自己本来也想梳理一下中国互联网这么多年,到底是哪些公司出来了,为什么会是他们出来了。他们的出来代表着什么趋势,他们一串串的连接闪现不同类型的公司有不同的潮流,到底暗示着什么趋势。下一个趋势是什么?当时他们出现的历史环境是什么?以后会不会再出现那样的环境? 抱着这么多问题,开始阅读。并梳理了一个总结。























Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Google UFO 系列 doodle 谜底渐渐清晰——纪念 H.G.Wells



Google的这个外星人系列可谓是今年最具悬念的doodle了,每幅doodle都配备了一个相应的谜题,并引领你走向最终的答案。9月5日第一个doodle的谜底是"All your o are belong to us",结合图像暗示了谜底和外星人有关。而今天的麦田圈doodle谜面也不难:51.327629, -0.5616088。

这个谜面其实是一个Google Maps坐标——指向英国萨里郡(Surrey, England)的Horsell Woking。在H.G Wells 1898年的科幻小说作品The War of the Worlds(世界大战)中,英国被来自火星的外星人入侵,而UFO降落的第一个地点就是Wells家附近的Horsell Common


Monday, September 14, 2009

How to Fix the IE6 Select Box z-index Bug

This is my first time experienced the IE6 z-index bug where a simple select box will always take priority over any predefined z-indices and always show up on top. see the screenshot:

I did search around and luckily discovered that there is a fix -JQuery plugin which by using an iframe and expanding it over the select box area, the iframe will take precendence over the select box. This JQuery plugin will automatically create the iframe for you. The plugin is simply called bgiframe and using it is quick and easy. Just include the script and attach the bgiframe() method to all of your floating layers. Here is a short and quick example:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.bgiframe.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div id="floating_div">I'm over this select box</div>
Now those nasty z-index bugs won’t ever trouble you ever again.
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Google has a bigger search box now

整整一个月前, 谷歌中国扩大了搜索框优化了用户体验,Google总部显然注意到了这个问题。

今天谷歌搜索产品和用户体验副总裁 Marissa Mayer 官方博客中宣布,从本周开始,谷歌英文主页将加大其搜索框的显示尺寸,使用户在使用谷歌搜索时,能够更容易看清所键入的关键词!这并不是一个普遍现象,只有部分访问者会随机遇到,显然这是Google在对搜索页面的变化做测试,效果好的话他们会逐渐加大测试人群,直至最后确定下来。


Images via TechCrunch
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

User Experience Tip for Visited Link Colors

I have been messing around with some visited link colors for today, as someone has tweeted this:

Generally, paying attention to the a:visited property is good. In some cases, styling the visited link is detrimental to the user experience. The point of the visited link style is to show you what pages you've been to on a site. It could be a link you want to avoid, or a link you'd like to get back to. When the link blends in, it tells the user that there is no link there.

Jacob Nielson Says…
People get lost and move in circles when websites use the same link color for visited and new destinations. To reduce navigational confusion, select different colors for the two types of links.

Some cases go along with the idea that a visited link is "faded" out because you already went there. Anything that is now secondary should be displayed as such from a visual perspective. But in some cases are not, example:
Take's brother website for example, the second and third headlines look like sub titles of the first headline for me when they faded out with very much different colors, which is confusing.

So my tips are:
  • The two colors should be variants or shades of the same color, so that they’re clearly related.
  • The color for unvisited links should be more vivid, bright, and saturated than the color for visited links.

Great Google street view ad at bus stop

Via MSDN Blog


  • 自己动手,亲历亲为(get your hands dirty)
  • 尽早且频繁地分享设计(share early & often)
  • 设计过程要从项目开始延续到结束(be there from start to finish)
  • 不要爱上你的设计(don’t fall in love)
  • Facebook设计团队的工作包括产品设计、市场营销、UI模式、品牌和前端开发。整个团队由15个产品设计师、5个UI工程师、5个用户体验研究员、4个交互设计师和1个内容架构师。在这个约有1000个员工的公司中,设计团队总共有25人。
  • 通过撰写从前端到后端代码全部代码,将设计和技术融合进整个公司的文化。
  • Facebook花费了很多时间和精力来保证设计师能参与到整个产品开发流程。
  • 例如:3月的主页改版发布,精简信息架构和提高页面信息的流动速度。这样的改变需要同时涉及数据结构和视觉结构。
  • 在确定视觉风格后,开始写代码来制作原型。设计师通过写代码来了解真实的数据如何在页面布局中工作。
  • 不断地平衡取舍,通过不断地迭代交互设计和视觉设计来做很多尝试。
  • 给管理层和其他团队展示静态的产品原型并做交互演示。
  • 让设计师写代码能发现细节问题并快速执行修改。
  • 在Facebook没有创意总监,取而代之的是自下而上的设计团队组织架构。这对于团队能分享他们的创意至关重要。
  • 开发相应工具来实现高效地分享。其中一个工具叫Pixelcloud,类似于一个带评论功能的在线图库。自从在3月发布了这个工具后,大约每天有15张创意图片通过这个网站得到分享。
  • 整个工作组涵盖视觉设计和前端开发,这确保了Facebook的设计保持一贯的风格。所有的工作组都有固定的时间来给设计师提供反馈。
  • 例如:隐私向导的设计。在项目立项阶段(kickoff phase),召集12个用户并向他们展示30个原型,以此来决定产品的开发方向。在产品开发阶段,再次召集相对较少的用户,向他们展示7个原型来决定具体的设计。
  • 反馈是有效的。尽可能多的和早的获取反馈,这有助于节约项目时间。
  • 模糊设计和技术的区别。设计师也能调试代码和创建快速原型。
  • 设计师往往错在设计过于简洁,而工程师则错在提供过多功能。
  • 理解你所为之工作的媒介类型,然后不断反思你的设计。
  • 快速行动。Facebook在许多领域有很多竞争对手,而用户使用网络的习惯也在持续改变,所以快速地迭代更新产品很重要。
  • 最核心的是,Facebook相信最有效的方式是快速发布产品,然后看看用户是如何使用的。
  • 原型在说谎。它们通常缺乏内容和上下文联系。因此需要使用真实的内容和页面设计来理解具体的设计是如何工作的。
  • 为了快速反应,我们需要快速地制作原型。例如:评论的UI首先在内部测试并修改,然后才发布给用户。新的设计打破了原有的信息流里的视觉线路。
  • 设计师一般每周大约会提交40个版本的代码。
  • 你的目的是确保设计工作正常并能持续改进。
  • 不要怀念今天的成就,要永远向前看。作为一个设计师,你需要预测并思考在下一年事情将发生怎样的变化。
  • 在Facebook,设计存在时间最长的是首页,从2004年发布,历时18个月。
  • 例如:全局导航的改版。在数月里尝试了无数的想法。甚至在昨天网站的头部又变了。
  • 相比以往任何时候,我们的工作都远没有完成。
  • 对大多数功能都做A/B测试。清晰地定义度量效果的标准并进行测量,但切忌不要让度量标准来驱动设计。
Friday, September 4, 2009





“以前离开微软是follow my heart,现在离开Google也是follow my heart.”


