Sunday, September 28, 2008

Google ten years old logo

今天Google发布了10岁生日的节庆logo,跟以往Google logo以Catull字体为载体不同的是,这个十周年logo采用了Google刚建成时的logo字体. 不过Larry Page和Sergey Brin似乎并没有太确切的记得Google究竟是哪一天诞生的,因此把9月的任何一天当作纪念日都没有什么问题。今天,Google搜索产品和用户体验 副总裁Marissa Mayer在Google官方博客上宣布了10周年纪念版Logo上线。已经有大批doodle忠实拥趸不断询问Google十周年究竟会推出一款怎样的Logo。根据Marissa Mayer的说法,除了蛋糕蜡烛外,他们能想到的最佳礼物就是:一机柜新的服务器。

Google各种各样的特殊logo(Google称其为doodle)现在已经成了一种文化。第一款doodle是在1999年夏天推出的,当时Larry和Sergey要到内华达沙漠中参加Burning Man狂欢节,因此在Logo上添加了一个标志小人。

Friday, September 26, 2008


就在神州7号载人航天飞船成功发射之际, 我为自己是中国人而感到骄傲, 在这里也凑个热闹来给大家介绍两个有趣的网站.

1.What is your WEIGHT on other worlds?


2.What's your AGE on other worlds?


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Google events in past 10 years

Google has released an interactive timeline widget to show people the big events and milestones in its past 10 years. It allows Google fans to travel through time by dragging the timeline or slider below. Clicking on any events to view more information.

Actually, I used an open source SIMILE|Timeline widget in my web app before. This tool is developed by MIT Libraries and MIT CSAIL, you can populate Timeline with data by pointing it to an XML file or JSON format.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Best Global Brands 2008

interbrand newly launched Best Global Brands 2008. Google jumped to 10th place from 20th 2007, rest of top 9 brands have no change. There are 4 brands under "Internet Services" sector have been listed in top 100, they are Google 20, ebay 46, amazon 58, Yahoo 65.

Unfortunately, Chinese products and services are not strong enough to be 0n top 100 list. I am hoping for a global brand made in China in the near future. The best known mainland Chinese brand is probably Lenovo's ThinkPad laptop computer. But it was IBM that developed the brand before spinning it off, and even then, Lenovo decided to drop its price when it first became a stand-alone company. Until recently, it didn't even put the word "Lenovo" on the front of its computers. (It does so now.)

2008 China Internet Conference


[以上消息来自官方网站 English Version ]
Monday, September 22, 2008

New Zealand Electorate Map

I have been developing a Google map mashup on New Zealand Election 2008. The election map below is 100% accurate boundaries data(data from, which contains 63 general electorates and 7 Maori electorates.This map widget helps voters figuring out which electorate they belong to by ticking the electorates and will be used for the election section of

After researching some different methods of visualizing the data, the most reliable method utilises is Javascript with the Google Maps API
, and Keyhole Mark-up Language (KML) to create a thematic map of the regions.
There are a few limitations. Large KML files don't load in Google Maps, medium-sized files load very slowly—it seems Google is parsing the KML using Javascript.
Here is an example Australia 2007 Election
, which takes 14.31 seconds, a significant initial loading time.

A better interface for Delicious bookmarks

Call up all users.

Do you want to see your bookmarks in a nice looking way? Do you find it is difficult in searching the webpages you bookmarked before? Here is the solution: Get your bookmarks visualized. Don't login into any more, login into instead

I find favthumbs is pretty handy, as it allows you to switch between Grid and Carousel

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New content sharing widget

There’s a new content sharing tool, which is called Tell-A-Friend

Like ShareThis and AddThis, you can place Tell-A-Friend on any web pages, so your visitors can easily share content with their friends (I’ve placed the AddThis button at the bottom of every post). But unlike these existing solutions, Tell-A-Friend users can share content with their instant messaging(Yahoo, Google, AIM and MSN) contacts in addition to their email and social networking ones.

Google Fight

Google Fight 是一个比较两个关键词在 Google 收录量的在线应用。输入两个关键字,点击 “Make a fight” ,就能看到代表关键字的两个小人的打斗画面,收录量多的关键词小人将会获得胜利

Web Developer Tools

作者:Klaus Komenda
英文原文:Collection of Web Developer Tools, per Browser
原文发现:译言-Collection of Web Developer Tools for major browsers

网站开发者的一大苦恼,就是有太多的浏览器要应付。幸亏世界上有一些聪明的人,能够研究出一大些方便编辑和调试网页代码的好工具。不过,要从不计其 数的小工具里面找出合适的可真不容易。这篇文章列出了几个最好用的web开发工具,并指导你快速地激活、安装、使用他们。 下面是工具列表:

浏览器 可用的工具 (括号中是应用范围)
IE6, IE7

Google Chrome 刚刚上市, 我们期待它的开发工具.
Saturday, September 20, 2008


有了现代科技,刻章其实很简单了, 我做了一个自己的印章, 用在了blog的header里. 下面我就介绍一下这个在线印章制作工具




China Web2.0 logo collection

Friday, September 19, 2008

Richest IT Guys

1. Bill Gates (Microsoft), $57 billion
3. Larry Ellison (Oracle), $27 billion
11. Michael Dell (Dell), $17.3 billion
12. Paul Allen (Microsoft), $16 billion
13. Sergey Brin (Google), $15.9 billion
14. Larry Page (Google), $15.8 billion
15. Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), $15 billion
33. Jeff Bezos (Amazon), $8.7 billion
47. Rupert Murdoch (News Corp.), $6.8 billion
54. Pierre Omidyar (eBay), $6.3 billion
59. Eric Schmidt (Google), $5.9 billion
61. Steve Jobs (Apple), $5.7 billion
84. Gordon Moore (Intel), $4.4 billion
84. John Sall (SAS Institute), $4.4 billion
91. David Sun (Kingston Technology), $4 billion
91. John Tu, (Kingston Technology), $4 billion
105. Richard Shulze (Best Buy), $3.5 billion
144. Ray Dolby (Dolby), $2.9 billion
161. Mark Cuban (, $2.6 billion
246. Irwin Jacobs (Qualcomm), $1.9 billion
246. Omid Kordestani (Google), $1.9 billion
262. Henry Samueli (Broadcom), $1.8 billion
281. David Filo (Yahoo), $1.7 billion
321. Amar Bose (Bose), $1.5 billion
321. Todd Wagner (, $1.5 billion
321. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), $1.5 billion
355. Richard Egan (EMC), $1.4 billion
355. Vinod Khosla (Sun Microsystems), $1.4 billion
355. Theodore Waitt (Gateway), $1.4 billion

Data from
Monday, September 15, 2008

Moon Festival Logos show

Google 2008

Google 2007

Google 2006

Google 2005

Yahoo China

Yahoo Hong Kong

Yahoo Taiwan

Google uses the same logo for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Compare with Google, Yahoo and Baidu. Which one do you like best?
Friday, September 12, 2008

Face Illusion

If you look at the above images from your seat in front of the computer, Mr. Angry is on the left, and Ms.Calm is on the right.

Get up from your seat, and move back 12 feet, and PRESTO!! they switch places!!

It is said this illusion was created by Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of the University of Glasgow

Does this prove that we sometimes may not be seeing what's actually there?
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Firefox's Chrome extension

Google的Chrome浏览器放出之后,有不少用户中意上了Chrome的用户界面,不过Firefox浏览器的玩家现在不用再临渊羡鱼,在Mozilla加载项中心现在放出了Chrome Package 0.2界面扩展包


安装了Chrome扩展包之后,用户可以拥有Firefox的功能,Google Chrome浏览器的页面,对于喜欢把标签栏放置在顶部的用户来说,这也许是一个不错的选择。(不过有用户报告,这款主题在卸载的时候可能会有些麻烦,建 议在安装这款主题之前先备份)。
Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I can't believe there exists a fan zone website called "什锦八宝fans圈" for President Hu Jin Tao and Premier Wen Jia Bao. The site, which already has almost 97,000 registered fans, is full of stories about the two senior officials, and features pictures of them in happy poses with farmers, students and the aged.

As many of you may know, someone has started a Facebook profiles for both Hu Jin Tao and Wen Jia Bao.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Google lifestyle

Since I gave up IE and started using Chrome instead, I find that I have been heavily use Google products now. Here is my Google life:

Every day, after opening Google Chrome , iGoogle iGoogle shows up in front of me as homepage, check emails in Gmail Gmail, open Google Reader Reader to receive RSS subscriptions, take tour to Google Calendar Calendar see if any thing happens, finding anywhere I would like to go on Google MapsMaps, manage my images with picasa Picasa Web Albums, go to Google Analytics Analytics to find out what's going on with my websites, document my stuff on Google Docs Docs, discuss hot topics on Google Group Groups, chat with friends on Google Talk Talk. Lastly, of course blog interesting stuff on Blogger Blogger

The amazing thing is all of these services Google provided are absolutely FREE.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chrome has listed on Google Analytics

Yesterday Google Analytics blog answered some questions users may have on Google Chrome.

Q. Will I see Google Chrome listed as a browser in my Google Analytics reports?
A. Yes, very soon. We'll let you know immediately once the change happens.
I just checked traffic stats on Google Analytics (4th Sept), it shows Chrome takes 0.92% traffic on the second day since Google has launched Chrome. It seems the stats reported by StatCounter pretty accurate.

10 Features of Google Chrome Video



  StatCounter的分析师Aodhan Cullen表示,“这是一个非常突出的成绩,虽然Google的挑战对象是微软,但是火狐浏览器可能成为最大的失意者。”

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chrome new features

Google Chrome的介绍铺天盖地,再写使用感受什么的有点多余,就分享一点好玩的使用技巧给大家。下面是Hexy同学从水木清华上找到和我从Twitter上搜罗的一些Chrome的地址栏命令。在Chrome的浏览器地址栏中输入命令,就会返回相应的结果。

  • about:version - 显示当前版本 也可以是chrome-resource://about
    about:memory - 显示本机浏览器内存使用状况
    about:Plugins - 显示已安装插件
    about:histograms - 显示历史记录
    about:Dns - 显示DNS状态
    about:cache(view-cache: )- 显示缓存页面
    view-cache:Stats - 缓存状态
    about:Stats - 显示状态
    about:network - 网络监控工具
    chrome-resource://new-tab - 新标签页
    chrome-resource://favicon - 乱码,是什么?
    about:internets - 这应该算是一个彩蛋?


Chrome的浏览栏(navigation bar,输入网址的地方)将有双重目的,用户可以输入网址也可以输入搜索词,用户也能选择搜索引擎,Google显然认为大多数人会选择自己,从而扩大在全球搜索市场64%的份额。


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google releases Chrome soon

Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8 ) Beta 2 正式推出下载后不久,Google 宣布其浏览器 Google Chrome将会在周二推出下载,但事实上,下载页面 曾上线过

我们通过漫画形式提前推出了一款开源浏览器Google Chrome,相信大家已经通过博客渠道了解到该消息。周二,我们将在全球100多个国家推出Google Chrome测试版。

  为什么要开发Google Chrome呢?因为我们相信它能给用户带来更多价值,同时有利于推动Web创新。
